Isotyping ----Problem? - (Oct/04/2007 )
hi all
Can anyone please tell me when can an monoclonal antiobody give positive results for three diffirent isotype???
i was expecting the mab to be of IgG1 type but when i tested showed three of them.... G1, M & G3..
Why it is so.
when can this happen
Is it because the mab is of IgM type??
How can i solve this problem
can anyone please tell the correct way of obtaining the isotype
it would be very helpful to me ..
thanks and regards
Could be your original clone was mixed or possibly has undergone class switching. Check the isotype again if you get the same result, try single cell cloning again to get a single isotype, check it still has the same specificity and work from there.
Best wishes,
Can anyone please tell me when can an monoclonal antiobody give positive results for three diffirent isotype???
i was expecting the mab to be of IgG1 type but when i tested showed three of them.... G1, M & G3..
Why it is so.
when can this happen
Is it because the mab is of IgM type??
How can i solve this problem
can anyone please tell the correct way of obtaining the isotype
it would be very helpful to me ..
thanks and regards
even i think that u have more than a single clone in ur cultures.
if possible do limit dilution, or start with other confirmed single clones.