Need answers with no result from lab... - (Oct/02/2007 )
Basically I have not done the experiment for this particular lab, but I have to do the lab anyway. I hope someone can guide me to where I can find answers to some of these questions thanks in advance.
a. are nuclei visible in cyanobacterial cells?
b. between oscillatoria and gloeocapsa, which has the most prominent mucilaginous sheath?
d. How many cells are held within one sheath of gloeocapsa?
How does the size of lactobacillus compare with that of oscillatoria and Gloeocapsa?
-What three dimensional shape are elodea cells?
Use an ocular micrometer or the dimensions of FOV calculated in exercise 3 to measure the dimensions of an elodea cell. What are the cell's approximate dimensions? (I have not done exercise 3 so it would be great if there was an alternate method or result of measurement available online)
-Where are the chloroplasts located within the elodea cell- toward the perimeter or centrally located?
-What are the functions of plasmodesmata?
Questions after examining onion cells
How do you explain the differences in the apparent shapes and positions of the nuclei in different cells?
Examining amyloplasts---
a. Are any cellular structures other than amyloplasts stained intensely by iodine?
b. What can you conclude about the location of starch in storage cells of potato?
c.What are the functions of amyloplasts in potatoes?
Examining human epithelial cells
a. What structures visible in the stained preparation were invisible in the unstained preparation?
b. Were mitochondria as abundant in human epithelial cells as in onion epidermal cells? Explain
c. What similarities and differences are there between plant and animal cells?
d. How do the size and shape of a human epithelial cell differ from those of the elodea and onion cells ?
e. why do elodea and onion cells have more consistent shape than human epitherlial cells?
a. List the organelles found in plant cells in amoeba and common to both.
b. Does Amoeba have a cell wall? How can you tell?
c. How do the appearances of amoeba differ in live cells and preserved cells?
Examining paramecium
a. How does movement of paramecium compare to that of amoeba?
b. How does shape and body consistency differ between amoeba and paramecium?
c. What structures in Amoeba and paramecium also occur in plant cells? What strutures in amoeba and paramecium do not occur in plant cells?
this is a question based on pictures - were any taken during the lesson, were you referred to a book to reference during the experiment, were there any hand outs?
otherwise its down to google images (i've forgotten all my plant stuff now so i cant help with the other stuff)
good luck (i know it feels like a knightmare but get yourself a few pictures to look at and it should all come together)