need lab report help! - need lab report help! (Oct/01/2007 )
I really need help answering these questions for my lab. If someone could guide me to a site or anything ..... it would be life saving
a. are nuclei visible in cyanobacterial cells?
b. between oscillatoria and gloeocapsa, which has the most prominent mucilaginous sheath?
d. How many cells are held within one sheath of gloeocapsa?
How does the size of lactobacillus compare with that of oscillatoria and Gloeocapsa?
-What three dimensional shape are elodea cells?
Use an ocular micrometer or the dimensions of FOV calculated in exercise 3 to measure the dimensions of an elodea cell. What are the cell's approximate dimensions? (I have not done exercise 3 so it would be great if there was an alternate method or result of measurement available online)
-Where are the chloroplasts located within the elodea cell- toward the perimeter or centrally located?
-What are the functions of plasmodesmata?
Questions after examining onion cells
How do you explain the differences in the apparent shapes and positions of the nuclei in different cells?
Examining amyloplasts---
a. Are any cellular structures other than amyloplasts stained intensely by iodine?
b. What can you conclude about the location of starch in storage cells of potato?
c.What are the functions of amyloplasts in potatoes?
Examining human epithelial cells
a. What structures visible in the stained preparation were invisible in the unstained preparation?
b. Were mitochondria as abundant in human epithelial cells as in onion epidermal cells? Explain
c. What similarities and differences are there between plant and animal cells?
d. How do the size and shape of a human epithelial cell differ from those of the elodea and onion cells ?
e. why do elodea and onion cells have more consistent shape than human epitherlial cells?
a. List the organelles found in plant cells in amoeba and common to both.
b. Does Amoeba have a cell wall? How can you tell?
c. How do the appearances of amoeba differ in live cells and preserved cells?
Examining paramecium
a. How does movement of paramecium compare to that of amoeba?
b. How does shape and body consistency differ between amoeba and paramecium?
c. What structures in Amoeba and paramecium also occur in plant cells? What strutures in amoeba and paramecium do not occur in plant cells?
Are those homework questions? (there's a specific sub-forum for that by the way)
Do you have any books on cellular biology and microbiology? Most of the answers are probably there. If not, try to google with the keywords in each question. You're bound to find something. Did you actually try to find any of the answers?
I don't know the answers to most of your questions because it's not my area (or because I learned that stuff some time ago )
But here go some hints on the stuff that I know:
I don't know what kind of experiment did you do, but what did you see? Where were the nuclei? Were they in the center of the cell? The periphery? What other components of the cell brought them to that position?
c.What are the functions of amyloplasts in potatoes?
a. What structures visible in the stained preparation were invisible in the unstained preparation?
b. Were mitochondria as abundant in human epithelial cells as in onion epidermal cells? Explain
d. How do the size and shape of a human epithelial cell differ from those of the elodea and onion cells ?
The first question depends on the dye you used. Try finding which was it and then find its applications.
About the other ones, I can't really guess what you saw because I wasn't in your class...
What could be the difference between plant and animal cells that would grant them a different shape? Answer the previous question and you'll know this one
I'm not going into the other questions either because I'm not sure about the answer (and I don't have the time to look for it) or because it's something you have to answer based on the observations you did in your class.
Well, I have some work to do, and gotta leave the forum. Sorry not to be very helpful but I think you can find the answers to most of these questions if you try (even without much effort).
Good luck on that
Can search in , there you can find free acces to basic science and medical books. It appear that you don't have read the questions carefully. The first question is the easiest one...what is the difference between prokariotes and eukariotes????....The Nucleous, so if bacteria don't have nucleous.....
what kind of lab do you work in?
I am in general bio in college, anyway... I just found out that I won't have to answer some of the questions I listed, will edit accordingly.
i think the questions should be answered according to your experiment!
I think so too! but I wasnt there for the experiment and my professor is being unreasonable about it. And I have like 5 classmates who are all upperclassmans...
don't they allow you to go to the lab on your own time to make up what you missed?
won't the classmates share their notes and observations?
school sure has changed since i left.
cydonia, how many labs have you missed? I'm sorry you're having a hard time, but lab classes aren't something you can make up with the notes later. I don't mean to be harsh, but you really have to show up for lab courses - they're all practical work.
on this forum, we tend to be much more helpful if it seems as though the requestor has done at least a little legwork on their own. if you tell us what you think the answer might be, or what you do know, you're much more likely to get full replies. I realize this might be frustrating for you, but we all went around and around on this issue a couple years ago and decided we'd be defeating the purpose of this forum if we just handed answers to students - particularly if a little time on google and wikipedia can get you halfway there. merlav also gave a very useful link for you to check out
good luck, and I hope your term goes better than it has been
I have the exact same lab for A.P. Biology and I'm a junior in high school. I also need some help with the question "how do you explain the differences in the apparent shapes and positions of the nuclei in the different cells?" Could you also please help me out with this one?? I think it would be helpful if you guys would stop harassing the poster and help them a little more....just a suggestion
Oh and on another note, I have some of the answers to your questions but first I would need to compare our two labs and see if there are any as to not lead you astray