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Free Access to Nature Protocols Volume 2 - Until the end of October 2007 (Sep/28/2007 )

Just a quick message to let you know that Volume 2 of Nature Protocols is freely available until the end of October 2007.

Nature Protocols publishes detailed step-by-step protocols for both new and classic methods from all fields of Life Science research. All our protocols are based on previously published methods and are peer-reviewed and fully edited to ensure that they are as accurate and helpful as possible.

Do check out the content; all feedback is very welcome.

Dorothy Clyde

Associate Editor
Nature Protocols

-Dorothy Clyde-

Thank you, Dorothy smile.gif

-Minnie Mouse-

nice informaztion and useful articles.


so kind! thanks~


Thanks very much. I have just downloaded an article which is very relevant to what I am doing.


QUOTE (nfoam @ Oct 5 2007, 07:50 AM)
Thanks very much. I have just downloaded an article which is very relevant to what I am doing.

Excellent - I'm very glad you have found the site useful. If you do try out the protocol and have any feedback that might be helpful for future users, please do post a comment; the link to do this can be found on the abstract page of each protocol. For example, you might wish to query the author about a certain step, let others know about slight modifications/improvements you have made to the Procedure, or let others know how useful/accurate you found the protocol in general.

Good luck with your experiments!

-Dorothy Clyde-