multiplex primers - (May/04/2004 )
Hello Forum users, I have a problem with my multiplex PCR. What is the best, in your opinion, tool to check their cross homology? Thank u in advance for any tips.
I would suggest that you check it manually by blasting genome databases. Try the UCSC genome database and Blat tool ( ) which is fast and easy to use.
Thank you very much, Sage. I expected that kind of advice unfortunately . I'm quite depressed, I have over 20 pairs of primers to check manually! Thanks for the web links. Have a nice a day!
You can try to check your primers with Primer Premier 5.
this software is available on
You can try to check your primers with Primer Premier 5.
this software is available on
Sorry, my previous post was not complete
Hope it helps.
The correct link to download Primer Premier5 is
One can download the program by just entering the email and from the above link and request for a time limited key.
You may try
Click on the "Check" button next to "Check primer-primer dimers"