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cell seeding confusion - what does it mean (Sep/23/2007 )

Dear ALL,

I am doing some literature reviews on cell seeding (e.g. corneal epithelial cells seeded on amniotic membranes). I do not understand what does this sentence mean.

.......when cells reach 80% to 90% confluent, it is subcultured and seeded at a ratio of 1:2 to 1:8......

In this sentence, what does the 1:2 and 1:8 means?
can someone please explain in detail? how does it works?

thanks in advance


QUOTE (ah_boo2001 @ Sep 23 2007, 09:18 AM)
Dear ALL,

I am doing some literature reviews on cell seeding (e.g. corneal epithelial cells seeded on amniotic membranes). I do not understand what does this sentence mean.

.......when cells reach 80% to 90% confluent, it is subcultured and seeded at a ratio of 1:2 to 1:8......

In this sentence, what does the 1:2 and 1:8 means?
can someone please explain in detail? how does it works?

thanks in advance

So, let`s say you are harvesting the cells from a 80% confluent plate and you have 80 cells. Of this 80 cells you should use either 40 cells to seed into the new plate (80/2) to have 1:2 ratio or 10 (80/8) to have 1:8 ratio.
I think they gave this range depending on how fast they passaged them.
In other words, for 1:2 ratio, take half of what you have to the new plate; for 1:8 take one eigth of the cells you have to the new plate.
Hope this helps
