MQ water: distilled and deionized? - (Jul/31/2007 )
Does anyone know if MQ water (millipore) can be considered deionized? We are getting it from our media staff prepared in bottles, but they are on vacation and I have noone to ask.
Type I/MilliQ Water has resistivity of 18 Megaohm-cm, deionized/demineralized water = 0.1-10 Megaohm-cm, distilled water/Type II = 2 Megaohm-cm and drinking water = 1 Megaohm-cm.
Milli-Q water is the most pure and can replace deionized in most applications. It is usually deionized before passing through the Milli-Q system.
Milli-Q water is the most pure and can replace deionized in most applications. It is usually deionized before passing through the Milli-Q system.
Cool, thanks:)!
i agree with tfitzwater. once our millipore machine was broken and that time we used deionized water instead of MQ
MilliQ is deionised water just that it is purer.
I don't think the reverse always stands true - MilliQ can replace deionized water but deionized water cannot always replace MilliQ.
Deionized water is supplied into MilliQ machine which purifies it and gives us the MilliQ water. So the machine purifies deionized water even further.
What I understand by MilliQ is that the deionisation is done completely and the deionised water is passed through millipore just before collection; so beyond being just deionised, MilliQ also does not have cells, bacteria, viruses, and any other non-ion particles.