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FGF20 PRIMER - (Jul/13/2007 )

hello everyone!
Im doing my PCR to look the expression of FGF20, and Iv tried 3 pairs of primers, they dont work.
So what can I do in the next step?

Thanks rolleyes.gif


QUOTE (vincenttianfr @ Jul 13 2007, 05:04 PM)
hello everyone!
Im doing my PCR to look the expression of FGF20, and Iv tried 3 pairs of primers, they dont work.
So what can I do in the next step?

Thanks rolleyes.gif

maybe you have done some of the things i m gonna tell you...but you never know.
have you got good quality and quantity mRNA?
The cDNA step is well done?
are you sure that you ve got expression of your gene in the samples you are checking.
Have you got any smear or you got nothing at all? if there is smear maybe a primer problem, if there is nothing maybe you got no expression or you are not producing good cDNA.
make a control PCR somewhere you know your gene is expressed. chek your cDNA by a control gene actin GAPDH...
hope i helped...


thanks for ur help, I have checked two control genes actin and hprt, they did work. And the quality and the qantity of mRNA have been controled too. I have changed the Tm at 55. 57. 60 . 62. 64, there was nothing. so ?
