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Living COlour AB - Mechanism of it (Jul/09/2007 )


i wld like to know how does living colour Ab works? DOes it do smthing different from what HRP does? What is the significance of using such AB?

thanks in advance


QUOTE (Rita001 @ Jul 9 2007, 09:11 AM)

i wld like to know how does living colour Ab works? DOes it do smthing different from what HRP does? What is the significance of using such AB?

thanks in advance

isn´t "living colour" a notion of Clontech? but do you mean fluorescence tagged Ab´s such as Alexa-Fluor-tagged Ab´s? they are useful to detect targets in tissues and cells by fluorescence or confocal microscopy

-The Bearer-

Living colors - fluorescent proteins

Its useful for live cell imaging especially if you want to track proteins fused with these fluorescent markers or by using organelles specific markers to follow movement.
