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De fossard et. Al. (1974) culturing media composition - (Jul/05/2007 )

Did anyone know the extact composition of De fossard et. Al. culturing media??? Or where and what website can i get the media information???

I will be doing my undergrade research next month regarding plant tissue culture. So one of my research topic will be comparing the effect of either culturing the explants (PINEAPPLE) on MS media or De fossard et. Al. media....

Thanx for help!!!


i think that if you have writed de fossard et al, that means there my be the appropriate reference. oi found one (after the post) but if you can't pick the article, open a topic in paper request subforum, or ask someone for getting the information for you. I don't have access to the mentionned paper, sorry.

ref of the article : De Fossard, R.A., Myint, A. and Lee, E.C.M., 1974. A broad spectrum tissue culture experiment with tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) pith tissue culture. Physiol. Plant. 30, pp. 125–130.
