Structure of insuline gene? - structure of insulin gene (Jan/30/2004 )
Hi everyone,
I've been reading all your posts for the past few weeks and now have the courage to register and post. I am in need of your help. I need to design an experiment to figure out the genomic structure of the insulin gene. Could anyone please point me in the right direction?
Hi Arielle,
There are lots of paper reporting how to determine genomic structure of genes and there are different strategies too. So just search medline using the query ((genomic[Title] AND structure[Title]) AND gene[Title]) and you will get a bounch of papers on this topic. Try to understand what strategies others use and choose one you think is feasible for you. If your gene is a know gene, try using the genome database to see if the genomic structure is already there. The places you can try are : Ensembl at, UCSC at or NCBI AceView at
Hope it's useful.