Quenching Autofluorescence of Tissues - Suggestions needed (Jul/03/2007 )
hallo folks,
When I make TUNEL stainings I normally use paraffin-embedded tissue, but there the tissue samples show much autofluorescence. Is there any trick or recommendation to get rid of this autofluorescence occurence?
appreciative for every suggestion.
How do you fix your cells or tissues?
If you are using paraformaldehyde it needs to be freshly made in order to reduce autofluorescence. By fresh I mean made in the morning starting from powder.
Also, the tissue you use might vary, some tissues are notorious for autofluorescence. You might want to look through the archives of the confocal-list server (http://listserv.buffalo.edu/archives/confocal.html) or consider posting there.
Best regards