in need of your advice - (Jun/11/2007 )
Dear Bioformers,
i will start doing my master's degree in toxicology,thesis track..
so,i need your advices...
if you had the chance to re-do your masrer's what would you do ???
what faults you'll avoid ????
what things you'll pay more attension for ???
another question,
regarding to the university's regulations,i must do TOFEL in order to graduate.
so,shall i do it now,or wait till the next year ???
meaning,what is the prefered time to do it ???
thanks alot
Why don't you break down this question in as many topics as there are lines. Then somebody may be inclined to answer one or two! Too many and too vague questions are always neglected. Say that could be one you can use while selecting your thesis project!!
do your TOFEL as fast as you can...
who knows what problem you might face in the later stage of your master's? maybe too busy, maybe rushing to write papers, maybe.....
to me, in the early stage of doing your master's or phD (when you just started), not much work to do, or not too tension in your research. this is the time if you want to do TOFEL. after that, you can have plenty of time concentrate in your research.
thanks amyfer & sanjiun81 for replying
am really grateful to both of you
amyfer,i think that you are right...
but i just wanted to ask for advices regarding to my case..
most of the bioformers " i think" are PhD holders...
so,i just wanted to take some advices,from their experience...
thanks for your advice,i'll take it into consideration
sanjiun81,thank you...
i started looking for TOFEL books and CDs ..
thanks alot
I would read the title of my topic very very carefully. Imagine the feasibility of the project. Can it be done? What could go wrong? How can I fix it. Sadly, unless you are very very knowledgable, you won't be able to make an accurate judgement if you are just entering science. So it would be useful if you can discuss the topic you maybe working on with somebody who is knowledgable, perhaps your ex undergrad tutor.
Go see the supervisor. And importantly go meet the people who work in the lab.
Ask them
1- how is the supervisor like. How is it working with him/her. How much freedom will you have?
2- how much support can you expect from the lab technical wise. (Inner lab knowledge)
3- lab politics.
Also by looking around the lab, try and guess how much money said lab has.
Also go to the lab next door and the one two doors down. Chat to people there. Ask them about the lab you may be working in. If you hear danger signs seriously reconsider. Go to the PhD lounge or similar hang out to gather more data.
THe dream lab is one where money flows like tap water and used like that. You want to avoid labs where you have to stop rats from eating your chemicals, or can not afford to buy things that you need. Most labs are somewhere in the middle with leanings to one extreme or another.
Also try to find out who the person that takes care of the wellfare of PhD students. Said person is usually very knowledgable. As for pointers on what to look in a master topic. YOu can look up said person in your current undergrad Uni. Also talk with undergrad tutor
Your supervisor can make or break your work.
am REALLY sooooo grateful to you perneseblue
i was looking for like these notes ....
thank you very much
may all your dreams come true