peritoneal macrophage -protocol - (Jun/05/2007 )
Hi guys,
I'm new to macrophage and i wanted to prepare peritoneal macrophage (PM).
I have some questions that i hope you can help me with :
1. Do you use male or female mice ? and why?
2. I noticed that some people use PBS/HBSS/Medium (DMEM/RPMI/IDMD) for harvesting the PM while other use thioglycolate. what's the difference in the cell phenotype, number ant etc. ? (i wish to activate the cells so i need them as "un-active/relaxed" as possible in the beginning of the experiment.
3. in which density do you seed the cells?
4. when counting the cells, who can i know if have some erythrocytes ? how do I get rid of them ?
saying that, could you send me the protocol which works best for you ?
Thanks !
I'm new to macrophage and i wanted to prepare peritoneal macrophage (PM).
I have some questions that i hope you can help me with :
1. Do you use male or female mice ? and why?
2. I noticed that some people use PBS/HBSS/Medium (DMEM/RPMI/IDMD) for harvesting the PM while other use thioglycolate. what's the difference in the cell phenotype, number ant etc. ? (i wish to activate the cells so i need them as "un-active/relaxed" as possible in the beginning of the experiment.
3. in which density do you seed the cells?
4. when counting the cells, who can i know if have some erythrocytes ? how do I get rid of them ?
saying that, could you send me the protocol which works best for you ?
Thanks !
For some points I can giver you an answer:
* thioglycolate is not to harverst the cells, it is injected into the peritoneum to elicit the macrophages into the peritoneal cavity, (but I donĀ“t know if these macrphages are then activated)
* erythrocytes could be eliminated by using hypotonic lysis buffer [1.57M NH4Cl (83g), 0.1M KHCO3 (10g),1mM EDTA (370mg)]
1. Do you use male or female mice ? and why?
-It depends on what you want.
2. I noticed that some people use PBS/HBSS/Medium (DMEM/RPMI/IDMD) for harvesting the PM while other use thioglycolate. what's the difference in the cell phenotype, number ant etc. ? (i wish to activate the cells so i need them as "un-active/relaxed" as possible in the beginning of the experiment.
-There are 2 types of cells here.
One is monocytes, you just inject PBS/HBSS/Medium (DMEM/RPMI/IDMD) into mice peritoneal cavity to harvest non-activated monocytes.
Another is activated-monocytes (macrophages), you need inject thioglycolate or Casein to get cells activated. You must wait 3 days to get macrophages. The first day you can get neutrophils.
3. in which density do you seed the cells?
_ Dont understand your point, you meaned purification of cells?
4. when counting the cells, who can i know if have some erythrocytes ? how do I get rid of them ?
-Use Turk's solution, which stain leukocytes.
-to get rid of them, just use lysis method.
You should read search in the pubmed with the keyword: peritoneal macrophage isolation.
the method to harvest cells here:
hi NTH !!!
you answer was extremely helpful !!!! (the link (protocol) is great (the pictures/movie are very informative).
a couple of follow up questions :
1. gender issue - i wish to use the cell for in-vitro activation (cytokine production, phagocytosis and etc.) i fear that using female mice will render me sensitive to hormonal changes. what do you think ?
2. cell density - after you count the cells, how many cells do you seed per 1cm2 (or let's say in a 6-well).
3. did you find any difference in using PBS, HBSS or RPMI ?
once again THANKS !!
Hi guys,
another question... i harvested the cells (yesterday, with PBS) and look at them today. i can see 2 phenotypes.
1. cells that adhere well to the well
2. cells that are in suspension (round and bright).
Is this the usual outcome ?
Those not adhering can be Lymphocytes.
how did lymphocytes got there ? there was no visible blood ?
i guess a CD11b staining will clear this issue.... what do u think ?
Yes that will. Peritoneal cavity and Pleural Cavity have a subclass of B Lymphocyte. Read articles on B1 Cells.
Using PBS, you will get rich-monocytes, then you purify it by adhering to plastic as you did. The non-adhering cells would be neutrophils, lymphocytes or dead monocytes. You can stain these cells by Giemsa to see that.
you can harvest monocytes adhered to plates by trypsin or scrap.
You shouldn't have any neutrophils in the peritoneal cavity without blood contamination and there are also T-lymphocytes as well as B-lymphocytes and resident macrophages and monocytes.