List of common wavelengths used in Molecular Biology and Immunology - (May/23/2007 )
Hi, Folks!
Does anyone have a list of common wavelenghts (absorbance; UV and visible) used in Molecular Biology and Immunology assays? I mean, a table with some information like 260nm (UV) -> DNA/RNA; 595nm -> Proteins (Bradford); 405nm, 450nm, 490nm, etc. -> ELISA...
I need this because we are about to buy our first microplate reader and I would like to include in my order some extra filters that may be useful in the future. Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Does anyone have a list of common wavelenghts (absorbance; UV and visible) used in Molecular Biology and Immunology assays? I mean, a table with some information like 260nm (UV) -> DNA/RNA; 595nm -> Proteins (Bradford); 405nm, 450nm, 490nm, etc. -> ELISA...
I need this because we are about to buy our first microplate reader and I would like to include in my order some extra filters that may be useful in the future. Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,
You could add 214 or 256 for proteins (peptide bond or aromatic residues), 280 for proteins in DNA/RNA preps (to get a 260/280 ratio), 620 for ELISA
Does anyone have a list of common wavelenghts (absorbance; UV and visible) used in Molecular Biology and Immunology assays? I mean, a table with some information like 260nm (UV) -> DNA/RNA; 595nm -> Proteins (Bradford); 405nm, 450nm, 490nm, etc. -> ELISA...
I need this because we are about to buy our first microplate reader and I would like to include in my order some extra filters that may be useful in the future. Many thanks in advance!
Best regards,
for double wave length measuring you need always a reference; so 620-630 nm as reference for 405-490 nm should work in many cases; if you have more money, think of a fluorescence light plate reader
550->biuret protein determination;
500,650,700,750-> lowry protein determination (depending on desired sensitivity);
660-> fiske-subbarow phosphate determination;
340-> nad(p)h;
820-> chen phosphate determination;
310-> marsh phosphate determination;
it boils down to: you have to determine what you are going to use it for, now and in the foreseeable future, and then order what you need. anything else can be ordered later.