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Molecular Biology - Molecular biology book (Apr/12/2007 )


Does any one know of any book which has most of the molecular biology concepts for DNA RNA isolation and RT-PCR concepts. I have recently started with molecular work for a company and get stuck with the analysis part. I am having so many questions like why are we doing it? Why are we using it? I will appreciate if you can help.



well maniatis seems an interesting to me as reading it gave me lot of answers.
I ask sometimes also the chemists about a particular interaction of a reagent in a reaction.


Thanks fred,

I will try to get hold of one.


How about Sambrook and Russel? The so called "molecular biology bible"! Haha


TimJim is correct, you might find it at a nearby campus library or you should get the lab to purchase a set for you. The protocols are typically described without relying on "kits" which is fantastic because they explain the purpose of every reagent and essentially how to do everything in mol bio and why it is done that way.

Book is Molecular Cloning : A Laboratory Manual and has three volumes.

Good luck
