SYBR gold instead of EtBr. - Do I need a special filter? (Mar/23/2007 )
Do I need a special filter in the photo document system for SYBR gold?
I want to try SYBR gold instead of EtBr. I was checking the data sheet and it mentioned a filter. I guy I know said he used to use it and he doesn’t remember a special filter.
We have an EDAS290 Kodak photodocument system and it doesn’t have the sybr filter.
If I buy the SYBR, do I have to buy the filter too?
don't take my word as the final say on this (because i haven't done it) but i think you probably need the same filter that you use for etbr. that filter is more to filter out the uv from the lightbox and, if you use uv to excite sybr gold then you have the same problem as with etbr, hence, the same filter.
It’s a different filter, and it is used in the camera not in the light box.
But I don’t know what happen if I don’t use the filter.
if you don't use the filter then you will pick up excitation light as well as emission light. this may cause your bands to "wash out" (not out of the gel but will be overwhelmed).
the filter used for etbr prevents the excitation light from reaching the film. this prevents "wash out" and also prevents you from seeing the bulbs in your image. if you are using the same transilluminator for sybr gold then you could probably get away with the same filter (on the camera, of course).
try it without the filter, with the etbr filter and with your friends sybr filter and compare the result. it should be quick and cheap to try. then, if the sybr filter works significantly better, purchase one (or borrow one temporarily forever).