Woman: The most evolved species? - (Mar/14/2007 )
We recently celebrated world woman's day. Still that in mind I wonder if really female especially in homo sapiens which means, WOMAN is more EVOLVED than man! . If you consider several parameters viz. presence of mind, speed of thinking, patience, emotional quotient, adaptability (mental and physical), and various others it does seem as if women are much ahead than men . What do you guyz think?
Does this mean there will be more female in higher positions than male in future? ie. more female CEOs, more female PIs, more female professors?? There is already more female in research than male....
Considering the fact that for most of the time in the mankind (umm should the word be rechristened?) in every part of the world woman was never given equal opportunity. Yet during past few centuries with more rights and importance given in the society the advance and achievement is significant. Therefore we can expect an exponential growth in all domains..
On to the discussion . . . Who was created first - Adam or Eve?
I dunno if the parameters U have described have been measured or not but when it comes to intelligence, they say boys have around 3.6 points advantage in IQ over girls of same age.

I guess it's a kind of coevolution, sometimes man sometimes woman lead, sometimes it is more symbiosis sometimes more parasitism.
Concerning god (or whatever was his name) two aphorisms: As god created the man he only practiced (an old women's libber joke).
Why created god females so beautiful? Because he wanted men to fall in love with women. And why he created women a little bit stupid? Because he wanted that women can fall in love with men.

Hopefully nobody is offended, with my translations there is maybe some misrepresentation

women "evolution" is related to the society they grew among, and this is also applicable for men, though women rights were reduced...
hey, Nabin, I'd like to see a citation for that IQ figure...
And to add to this, it should be noted that the variance of IQ for men is larger then that of women.
Thus there are twice as many men with an IQ of 125 then there are women. Five times for an IQ of 150. And by the same token there are many more men with an IQ of 85 then there are women with the same IQ. Thus the observation, that most residence of care homes for the mentally retarded are men. Who in turn are not usually included in an IQ survey of the general public.
This leads to a paper I once read, which argued that human inteligence and in men in particular is a trait partly under sexual selection, with many key genes being carried on the X chromosome. It wasn't definitive, but it was a nice piece of speculation, with rather interesting comparision between humans and our cousin species.
Non Tech discussion so am not looking for any journal but from BBC Magazine http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/4183166.stm and http://cognews.com/1157772873/index_html
The full article should be found in Journals mentioned in the article but I have no permission for them; so am sorry.
But, survival is of the fittest not the smartest and we know who are more fit.
but I would argue that in humans, fitness has a correlation with intelligence. Not in the ability to solve maths problems intelligence but the kind of intelligence to follow changing social situations.. making allies and tracking changing networks of friends and foe. Afraid to say, women in general are attracted to men with status (money, social status etc), and to gain and maintain said status intelligence is required.