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Image J of NIH - (Mar/13/2007 )


I downloaded the ImageJ program and tried my blot in TIFF format.

I first selected the band as select first lane and then other bands with select the next lane option.

I then used the gel analyser option and plot lanes which gave the U shaped graphs. Using wand (tracing tool) I tried to draw line but I am not sure how to do and how to get the values then.

Please advise how to draw line and also quantitate band.

If you have any picture which has wand tool in the histogram that will be real help to me and for people who are trying to use this program.

Thank you



you need to define an area for any histogram with the Straight Line Selection tool before measuring it with the 'magic' Wand; just click inside the area, and a table will appear with intensities for each bands
please, refer to this topic for more informations:
