18s control higher then suppose to be - (Mar/11/2007 )
Hello everyone!
I am completely new to real-time PCR and know not much about it
I've done a few reactions with 18s (as control) and genes of my interest. I was told that the value for 18s suppose to be between 8-10 and it was like that first one or two reactions. Then, it changed to 26-30. That time I used different tipe of MasterMix and I thought that it is because of this Mix. Now, I am back to my previous TaqMan MasterMix, but the values stayed the same... I don't know what happened, why I am getting these high numbers?
Where could be the problem and how can I check if it is contamination or cDNA degradation?
I would guess degradation
you can spec it to check for contamination, but your best bet to look for degradation, in my opinion, is to run a quick gel
Run a gel with the RNA?
I run a quick gel after Real-Time PCR and it looks fine - one good band no smears

you can spec it to check for contamination, but your best bet to look for degradation, in my opinion, is to run a quick gel