How does soil pH affect the pH of water that touches the soil? - (Mar/04/2007 )
does anyone know how I could do this project? My teacher told me to plant something in the soil too and see the soil pH affects it or affects the water. Is this confusing? It seems confusing. Well if it is can someone please just help me w/ the 1st question. Thanks.
first you need different types of soil and check the pH (for protocol go to then plant them (could use beans they grow very fast) and add the same amount of water of same source (check before pH)(I dont know how will affect the growth if use destiled water so if use check first). Check how well or not the plants grow in each type of soil. Hope this help. Have fun!!!
thank you so much!!
QUOTE (Carv @ Mar 4 2007, 08:34 AM)
does anyone know how I could do this project? My teacher told me to plant something in the soil too and see the soil pH affects it or affects the water. Is this confusing?
It seems confusing. Well if it is can someone please just help me w/ the 1st question. Thanks.

well my master's experiment was something like that. we had also this soil part, even we collected the soil and analyze it but unfortunately lastly we didnt used the result in my thesis so , i really forget the whole thing related to soil. but we worked on plant (phytoplankton) in watar that in phytoplankton of a waterbody and its pH
we treated 3 types of pond
treatment I was lots of phytoplankton (the reasons is related to our research, but it will go complicated if i explain all these)
treatment II is the lowest amount of phytoplankton
and treatment III had the phytoplankton amount lesser than treatment I and greater than treatment II
and i attach a graph of the relation of abundance of phytoplankton in water and water pH.
-T. reesei-