Geneticin Potency - (Jan/31/2007 )
Hi All, I have a bit of a problem......
I set up a kill curve on a cell line H295R (Adrenal Carcinoma) using Geneticin. After about 2 weeks when I expected a clear result I find that the cells dont die. Even in a concentration of 2000ug/ml!
Any advise?
When we had similar problem with genticin, we tried a concentration curve with nontransfected cells. Found that genticin was somehow not active. Got new batches of genticin, still no effect. Some how the genticin was inactive. After that we prepared the genticin sol. fresh from powder. And its works.
Thanks for that. What concentration did you finally end up using and where did you get your powder from
We did a conc. curve and found it best at 1000ug/ml. But somewhere its written that in a 1000ug/ml sol. only 800ug is active.
I used 1000ug/ml (800ug/ml active genticin). We got the powder from Calbiochem.
For maintenance I use 800ug/ml or lower.
I set up a kill curve on a cell line H295R (Adrenal Carcinoma) using Geneticin. After about 2 weeks when I expected a clear result I find that the cells dont die. Even in a concentration of 2000ug/ml!
Any advise?
geneticin is sensitive to UV light, so may be it is destructed