Culture Confluency - (Jan/28/2007 )
Hi Guys
Does the confluency of the cells at the time of treatment with a growth fact can have dramatic effect on the respones of the cells to the growth dfactor treatment.
thanks for help
yes, for sure.
Depending on the confluency, you have differing cell contacts established which have definitley impact on the response to a growth stimulus.
Sometimes, if you treat cells which are near to confluency with factors, they might not respond at all or very tiny to it.
Yes, confluent cells can behave differently.
Especially if yoy are testing with growth factors. If the cells are confluent, they are not desperate for growth factors. And this will affect your results.
One has to find the optimal confleuncy for such experiments.
when the cells hit confluency, their signaling patterns change.
I used to work with adherent cells, and we always did our studies at 80-90% confluency; perhaps check the literature to find out what is indicated for your cell type and the experiments you are performing?
Does the confluency of the cells at the time of treatment with a growth fact can have dramatic effect on the respones of the cells to the growth dfactor treatment.
thanks for help
depends on type of cells; non-confluent epithelial cells f.i. try to establish a tissue which means that adhesion contacts change signalling and behavior of cells; oncogenic cell lines may be less impressed by cell-cell contacts