problems diluting DMSO stock solutions - organic compounds precipiate after diluting DMSO stock (Jan/25/2007 )
i am an undergrad doing research on antiangiogenesis. we are using resveratrol, curcumin, and quercetin, all of which are organic compounds. we have created DMSO stock solutions but after dilution with water [DMSO final 0.1% v/v] the compound precipitates out. perhaps there is a proper method to do this.
if anyone can help it will be much appreciated.
if anyone can help it will be much appreciated.
I am using more higher concentration of DMSO (like final 0.3-0.5%). Can you?
If you are going to use the organic compounds in tissue culture, dilute the DMSO stock solution in culture medium.
Hope this help.
We dilute DMSO stock sol. directly in the media. final conc. 0.1% v/v.
thanks for everyone's reply. we wont be doing cell culture, but applying the solution directly underneath thermanox coverslips.
If your slides are cold (less than about 15 degrees C) then the DMSO will freeze, should go back into solution once heated to room temp. You may be able to dissolve the compounds in ethanol (check the manuals before trying), or may have them at the wrong concentration to start with, whihc could result in precipitates.
I would check everything you have done, and make sure that it is correct before trying again.