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3' bioninylated oligos for EMSA - (Jan/19/2007 )

I'm going to perform non-radioactive EMSA using Pierce's Lightshift kit, so I need 3' end-labeled oligos. I'm going to use 7 different probes, so I need 14 different oligos. I used oligos from Eurogentech and they work OK, but I was thinking about looking for cheaper suppliers, because 14 oligos mean a lot of money (more than 2000 €). Another possibility would be using Pierce's Biotin 3' end DNA labeling kit (20 reactions), but I heard that troubleshooting could be long so ordering custom oligos would be the more cost-effective way.

What's your opinion? Thanks in advance!



QUOTE (drfelip @ Jan 19 2007, 04:21 AM)
I'm going to perform non-radioactive EMSA using Pierce's Lightshift kit, so I need 3' end-labeled oligos. I'm going to use 7 different probes, so I need 14 different oligos. I used oligos from Eurogentech and they work OK, but I was thinking about looking for cheaper suppliers, because 14 oligos mean a lot of money (more than 2000 €). Another possibility would be using Pierce's Biotin 3' end DNA labeling kit (20 reactions), but I heard that troubleshooting could be long so ordering custom oligos would be the more cost-effective way.

What's your opinion? Thanks in advance!


Hi, I've used Pierce's Biotin 3' end DNA labelling kit and it was really easy to use and worked very well.


I agree. the 3' labelling kit is a cakewalk to use, and you will save a lot of money
