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Microbiology Science Fair Project, Advice Appreciated - Any and all help is appreciated. (Jan/09/2007 )

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Should I do that this week? It's semester finals week and I want to leave experimenting alone for this week. Should I let the bacteria grow on its own anyway? Btw, BIG QUESTION: When I let the bacteria grow, how many plates out of 40 should coat bacteria on? What should I do with the remaining plates? Should I administer antibiotics straightaway? If so, since I need to see if antibiotic resistance is created, should I leave a few empty plates to retry growing the bacteria? Btw, how should I administer the antibiotics? Pour it on the whole culture before I allow it to grow while I leave a few controls to justify growth actually occurs, or use antibiotic paper disks? If I use the disks, how would I know antibiotic resistance occurs? And if so, how should I know the entire plate contains antibiotic-resistant bacteria as opposed to normal bacteria? Should I just take a sample out of the antibiotic ring kill zone and attempt to regrow it? How would I know if a certain dilution of antibiotic is effective or not if I use antibiotic disks? The bacteria will still be killed in the same radii due to equal diffusion of the antibiotic. How would I know what concentration is good? Would I just conclude that all bacteria dies after a certain threshold?

Please carefully answer my questions, thanks.

-David Howards-

Have you seen the answers in your mail???


sorry. haven't checked yet. thanks for the reminder.

-David Howards-

So. I'm going to create new controls tomorrow and then introduce cefalexin the day after if bacteria growth occurs.

-David Howards-

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