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do you ever use PAGE to check PCR? - (Dec/20/2006 )

one guy in our lab advices all new students who come to use PAGE to simply check the PCR reaction. unsure.gif i always use agarose, it is cheap, quick and not health hazard as acrylamide. dont you think it is a waste of money and health?


But the PCR based assay which I use needs polyacrylamide gel as the expected result is a ladder f bands ranging from 36bp and above with 6bp difference. Otherwise if amplicon is above 100bp which is the usual case agarose gel is used.


QUOTE (Calvin* @ Dec 20 2006, 09:33 PM)
But the PCR based assay which I use needs polyacrylamide gel as the expected result is a ladder f bands ranging from 36bp and above with 6bp difference. Otherwise if amplicon is above 100bp which is the usual case agarose gel is used.

actually yes, very simple 300bp-1Kbp PCR products and all new students are bothered by preparing acrylamide. i think he likes to complicate his and everyones life so much rolleyes.gif


PAGE is recommanded for small size fragments, such as around 100bps
while for larger size fragment, using PAGE is not wise idea
