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what are selectable markers for stable transfection except gentamicin - (Dec/17/2006 )

hi! i want to establish cell line with several plasmids and need number of antibiotics. what can i use


QUOTE (juli @ Dec 17 2006, 06:22 AM)
hi! i want to establish cell line with several plasmids and need number of antibiotics. what can i use

hygromycin, puromycin, cisplatin resistant phenotypes are commonly used.


gentamicin won't work, it's close to geneticin but isn't toxic to mammalian cells whereas geneticin is, so if you want to use it for seletcion, you want to use geneticin instead of gentamicin.


try zeocin


by relative preference order :
puro hygro G418/zeo
these are only the one i've used.
but i know that Blasticidin Phleomycin (for mmore "resistant" Zeo clones)
try visiting cayla's website for some references on antibiotics.
