Gift for Advisor? - (Dec/11/2006 )
Hey all,
Do you give holiday gifts to your advisors? I am giving people in my lab small gifts, and don't want to leave him out, but don't know what to give. He's on a strict healthy diet, so no cookies. Any ideas? Keep in mind my grad student budget...
nope, never gave the PI a gift. we do have a secret santa thing going on, but he is never apart of it.
but if you really want to, how about tea. get a few samples of different tea in a basket... i'd probably keep that for myself.
Do you give holiday gifts to your advisors? I am giving people in my lab small gifts, and don't want to leave him out, but don't know what to give. He's on a strict healthy diet, so no cookies. Any ideas? Keep in mind my grad student budget...

What about a science t-shirt or cup? like this:
There are a suppler that sell many lab stuffs like t-shirt, coffee cups, wine cups, funny lab coats, etc.
But I don’t remember who??

Does any one know??

Hey all,
Do you give holiday gifts to your advisors? I am giving people in my lab small gifts, and don't want to leave him out, but don't know what to give. He's on a strict healthy diet, so no cookies. Any ideas? Keep in mind my grad student budget...

What about a science t-shirt or cup? like this:
There are a suppler that sell many lab stuffs like t-shirt, coffee cups, wine cups, funny lab coats, etc.
But I don’t remember who??

Does any one know??

I'll buy one for my dog!!!

Nice t-shirts!
How about a card? My PI has lots of cards (E.g. Christmas, Birthday, Congrats etc.) that he still kept pinned onto his notice board. There are some from previous members of his lab too, with messages and pics that he still holds dear.
Our lab always gets together and gets our PI a gift certificate for starbucks since he goes there like 3 times a day.
So something like that might work.
Thanks everyone! All good ideas. I love protocol-online.
How about some exciting lab results? *bada bing* just kidding, bad joke.
Seriously, I feel kind of weird giving advisor/supervisor gift exchange, kind of like bribing each other. I usually give a card. This one student was a constant pain in the neck (can we say high maintenance drama queen?) would often give gifts like tableclothes and music which can be very subjective and personal. On one hand, it was nice gesture, but would have been much better if the effort was put in lab.
i always like some handicrafts.........which will represent my country