trace injection site in mouse brain - (Nov/28/2006 )
Hi everybody,
I would like to deliver a viral vector using stereotactic coordinates into mouse brain but first I would like to verify that the injection site has the right anatomical localization. Is there a simple way to do that? Can I inject for example bromophenol blue or some other dye to the coordinates that I'm interested in?
thank you!
hi, i think some journal mention about cresyl violet stained,have a look on that particular key words,
I would like to deliver a viral vector using stereotactic coordinates into mouse brain but first I would like to verify that the injection site has the right anatomical localization. Is there a simple way to do that? Can I inject for example bromophenol blue or some other dye to the coordinates that I'm interested in?
thank you!
yeh, u could inject any dye and later remove the brain and analyse it to verify the injection site.
Thanks for your replies, I did the experiment using a blue dye another lab was using for the same reason, unfortunately they didn't know to tell me with confidence what exactly it is, I suspect it is just bromophenol blue. The only problem was that after I tried to stain with cresyl violet to visualise the structures of the brain the dye was washed out by the ethanol :s But anyway the cresyl violet staining wasn't really necessary to verify the injection site, I could tell I was in the right place.
I recently did this to get my coordinates right for injecting into the hippocampus. My supervisor just broke open a pen and used the ink from that so i think any ink will do. We injected a few microlitres and then dissected the brain to see the localization of the ink. as this was just to confirm our injection parameters there was no need to wash/perfuse the brain -unless you need to stain with cresyl violet to see the brain structure you are looking for