cell lines and apoptosis - (Nov/05/2006 )
I would like to know if anyone tried inducing apoptosis using UV on HEK293 cells?
I'm having a hard time looking up for literature on this matter, and due to limited access to the lab i couldn't perform a proper time-course induction.
I am kind of lost in the appropriate dosage and post-treatment incubation time.
Would appreciate if someone could give me some pointers.
In a paper, (i'll PM it to you) HEK293 cells, washed twice in warm PBS (pH 7.4), and treated with UV-C (30 J/m2, 254 nm) for 1 min using a Spectrolinkerâ„¢ XL-1000 (Spectronics, New York, NY) with the lids removed.
After irradiation the cells were supplied with complete medium and harvested at various time points (24, 29, and 36 hours).
you can induce apoptosis in HEk293 cells by treating them with H2O2. I use a concentration of about 1 mM for that and there are a lot of different publications about it.
you can induce apoptosis in HEk293 cells by treating them with H2O2. I use a concentration of about 1 mM for that and there are a lot of different publications about it.
Thanks for the suggestion! However, im interested in the effects of UV but i'll look into the possibility of using H2O2.
Do anyone know if HEK293 produces DNA laddering upon apoptosis?
Yes, HEK293 does produce DNA ladder upon apoptosis.