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Cell Banking - cell splittting and banking (Oct/28/2006 )

Hi all,

Can we split the cells today and bank them the next day? Suppose, I had 8 flasks and thought that I might not get enough cells if I harvest them for banking, so can I do 1:2 split today and bank them the nest day? I am taking about adherent cells. Will this be ok or do you anticipate any problems?

thanks for your replies.




as far as I know, splitting cells too often means stressing them too much wacko.gif
cells could have problem in facing the banking process, they could die during freezing so when you unfreeze (correct word? huh.gif ) you have less cells than you expected. ohmy.gif
but it also depend on how "delicate" is your cell line! Hope your is the strongest one! smile.gif
