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can microarray figure out the the downstream target of a putative transcription - (Oct/26/2006 )

Hi I am studying a gene and find it express in c.elegans body wall muscle nuclei. All I know is it is a zinc finger protein and required for early embryonic development. I am trying to figure out its downstream targe. I almost know nothing about microarray. Can anybody tell me if microarray will show a transcription factor 's down stream targes. How to start with it?
I am working in a molecular lab, so I can't ask more professional questions. If anyone would give me some light, I would be very appreicate it.


Do you mean the target of the zinc finger protein? As far as i know DNA microarray don't tell anything about this. It only shows whether the gene is expressed or not and probably how much it is expressed (semi-quantitative). Suitable for genome wide profilling but not for detailed analysis of a subset of genes. Not sure about protein chips.


Hi Qian,

I guess you need to do a ChIP on Chip to identify putative target promoters.
There are special Chip`s for promoter sequences. I never did this but I think the problem in your case is, that you need to known at least one target promoter of your gene to control the efficiency of your ChIP first before going on a promotor Chip.

good luck!


QUOTE (bioqian @ Oct 26 2006, 05:27 PM)
Hi I am studying a gene and find it express in c.elegans body wall muscle nuclei. All I know is it is a zinc finger protein and required for early embryonic development. I am trying to figure out its downstream targe. I almost know nothing about microarray. Can anybody tell me if microarray will show a transcription factor 's down stream targes. How to start with it?
I am working in a molecular lab, so I can't ask more professional questions. If anyone would give me some light, I would be very appreicate it.
