RNA quality - (Oct/12/2006 )
Hi frnds
can anybody tell me how is my RNA's quality, just check the attachment.
can anybody tell me how is my RNA's quality, just check the attachment.
doesnt look too bad to me
Hi frnds
can anybody tell me how is my RNA's quality, just check the attachment.
doesnt look too bad to me
Thanks, but tell me one more thing how can we know quality of RNA by seeing the gel image?
Hi Poonam,
expect in last lane they are fine. you can check protien contamination by taking spectro reding and findout 260/280 ratio
you RNA is good.... the best way how to check the quality of RNA is to make 2 qRT-PCR reactions amplifying both terminals of your chosen mRNA/gene . If the Cts are the same you have "intact" mRNA, but if there is shift then you can have digested mRNA....
The two bands you see are the ribosomal RNA genes that are highly expressed. If these two bands are sharp, it is an indication that your RNA is not degraded.
I guess ur RNA is not probably degraded, but i can't see the 28 s rRNA band (upper band) twice the intensity or of better intensity compared with the 18s rRNA band (lower). So make sure
i am a biggener student about this area. and i also i am interested with this subject.
pls correct me if i am wrong
if the result of the ratio of the spektro 260/280 is less than 1.8, it means that there is a contamination.
and if the bands were not sharp like the last line, that time can we say the RNA is degraded.
and also i wonder how can u understand which one is 28S RNA or 18S RNA?
could u help me about this??
thank u for ur attention..
well a low ratio come from protein contamination. I've recently observed that the ratio is enhanced when RNA is DNAse treated as soe proteins stick well to DNA.
28S and 18S RNA are the large bands visible on gels. As 28S is bigger than 18S, it's upper in the gel.
thank u very much and i have one more question.
think that there is some RNA in the gel and i wonder how we can understand whether it is 28s or 26 or 18.. and also think that the RNA is degraded.
so how will i know?? PS: i understood that the big strand is upper, and the small one is below, because smaler one is moving quikly than the other.
i hope i can explain my question.
could u tell me some comment about this??
for example the title of "poor RNA quality" ,there is a picture of RNA and there are some reply..and somepeople say 26s RNA missing...
and also i will ask them, too.
thank u for ur attention..
have a nice study..