Monocyte culture - (Mar/27/2001 )
I want to grow sheep monocytes obteined from blood, but I don't know very well which should be the composition of the growing medium. Can anybody help me with this? Another question, this cell type needs CO2? Thank you.
I grow promonocyte derived or related cell lines (U937, THP1, HL60). We use RPMI 1640 + 10% FBS (and yes, 5% CO2).For growing primary monocytes or lymphocytes additionof IL-2 will prolong survival.
Dear Sir/MadamI am Ph.D. Student in Medicine and my project is designed to work mostly with human monocytes and macrophagesFor your work you need RPMI1640 and 10% HI FCS and 10% HI AB HS, and also you need C02 incubatorFor more information please email me to get more related information to your work.Good Luck
Mohammed AlaliUniversity of SydneyNSW Australia
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can anyone tell me how to harvest monocytes from cell culture wells without damaging them-can they just be simply scraped? If they're apoptosing (as we are looking at apoptosis)-should we also be analysing the supernatant after harvesting also i.e are they likely to detachfrom the well surface?