manganese in serum - (Sep/22/2006 )
does anyone now the importance of manganese in serum?
u want its importance fot tissue culture or once it was in blood?!
i think it could be a cofactor for the activity of some enzymes...
I didnt find much information about how can seric Mn can fluctuate,, when it is needed or how is transported... everything is to vague since the element partiocipates in a lot of processes.
Just found 2 transporters initially studied in yeast
i think it could be a cofactor for the activity of some enzymes...
I think most prominent enzyme utilizing manganese is Mn-superoxide dismutase which is localized at mitochondria; it catalyzes peroxides and superoxides that occurs during mitochondrial respiratory chain or during infections; peroxides or superoxides do have harmful effects on cells including damage to DNA and cell membranes
Mn has a co-factor role in several enzymes including some hydrolases, kinases, decarboxylases and transferases. It' sneeded in polysaccharide, protein and cholesterol synthesis. Absorbed trhough the intestine homeostasis is really achieved via excretion of excess rather than reduction of intake.
Defficiency is hard to identify because many of the enzyme systems are able to use copper, iron and magnesium as well.
Mn toxicity occurs and the eye and liver act as Mn resevoirs (so tears can contain high MKn levels). Symptoms of toxicity resemble Parkinson's Disease.
If you need to analyse Mn, use emission spectroscopy, atomic absorption and there's an electrochemistry method as well.