Lysis Buffer for MTT - (Aug/16/2001 )
Anyone have a good method for cell lysis following MTT addition? I've tried1% SDS in dH20 with a poor result. Any experience with dimethyl formamide?
The purple formazan from macrophage cultures (96well/plate)can solubilized with 100 µl of a solution of SDS in ClH/isopropanol. Then shaking in a plate shaker for 10 minutes, or overnight it depends on the amount of cells or serum. Take care of light, use aluminum folder in case the plate must be shaking overnight. "Dissolve 11 g of SDS in 50 ml of 0.02M of ClH in dH2O and mix with 50 ml of isopropanol or isobutanol". The solvent prevents the foaming of SDS.