FTA Classic cards....anyone used these? - (Sep/15/2006 )
Hi. I'm using these whatman fta classic cards for storing my plant dna. they're pretty cool, you just bang your plant material onto the card and the dna is stored forever. you jsut take a tiny punch from the card then and add it straight into your pcr or whatever. really handy. thing is, i want to get the DNA off the card and into solution, which i cant seem to do. on their site they recommend putting a punch from the card into 5ul of TE buffer for 10 mins, but this is for plasmid DNA, and hasnt worked for me. I tried soaking it in TE and .8mM NaOH for 2 hrs with no bands on an agarose gel. I did get one really really faint band from the NaOH. Has anyone got any ideas? Thanks!
hi again. im not trying to do RAPDs using the FTA classic card punch instead of adding solution DNA. however i'm not getting any bands. I washed the punch according to the manufacturer's instructions, can anyone help me? thank you.
so far i know u need to perform PCR using the sample that u get after dissolved in TE
we have FTA cards, and one girl of my lab used it and i think she PCRed it
I used to use those cards....and as ligation said, you need to PCR first...
good luck