How much?! - (Sep/04/2006 )
Hi there
Got a bit of a problem, back to the lentiviral work, all protocols say I need 10 microgram of the required siRNA sequence. Now my stock solution is only 1.1 microgram/microlitre. How is it possible to get this amount of siRNA? I'm very new to this this whole molecular biology thing, as I'm an electrophysiologist!
Please help anyone!!!
9ul x1.1 ug/ul=10 ug
no knowledge of electrophysiology involved. :-)
no knowledge of electrophysiology involved. :-)
Genehunter, I think 1ug/ul diluted to 10ul gives 1ug in 10 ul not 10ug...

Got a bit of a problem, back to the lentiviral work, all protocols say I need 10 microgram of the required siRNA sequence. Now my stock solution is only 1.1 microgram/microlitre. How is it possible to get this amount of siRNA? I'm very new to this this whole molecular biology thing, as I'm an electrophysiologist!
Please help anyone!!!

wildcat you will need to prepare fresh concentrated stock.... How did you prepare your siRNA? Did you prepare dsRNA by in vitro transcrioption and then Dicer it??
As far as I can follow what's going on, needing 10 micrograms in total requieres 9 µl of a 1.1 microgram/µl solution.
If you need a solution of 10 µg/µl you want to freshly prepare or increase concentration by precipitation or vacuüm/evaporation.
I agree with others that one needs 9ul of 1.1ug/ul if u need 10ug of siRNA.
But how is this related to lentivirus ? do u have shRNA cloned into lenti vector?
I've got a shiRNA cloned into the lentivirus. It sounds sensible to use the 9microliters/ml instead of making a new stock, as I received this as a gift and wouldn't know where to start either.
Thank you for all your help
But how is this related to lentivirus ? do u have shRNA cloned into lenti vector?
BTW who suggested to use 10ug for knocking down. I havent heard of any such thing as using a certain amount of vector for knockdown.
take care of how u plan ur experiments and also abt the vector (as u suggested its a gift) so dont use it all up.