Cell transfection - TransIT vs Fugen - (Sep/04/2006 )
Hi all
I've been using Fugene for transfection into a mammalian cell line. I've heard of a new transfection reagent called TransIT by Mirius. Has anyone had any experience with this reagent?
I do not have experience with TransIT, but new transfection reagents are marketed frequently. I think it would be hard to try them all, even though the companies always claim they are better than their own older products and (of course) better than all reagents from other suppliers.
I have been using Fugene and Lipofectamine frequently. And since these work efficiently, my PI is reluctant to use any other transfection reagent, no matter what the company claims.
QUOTE (scolix @ Sep 4 2006, 10:40 AM)
I have been using Fugene and Lipofectamine frequently. And since these work efficiently, my PI is reluctant to use any other transfection reagent, no matter what the company claims.
I have beed regularly using Transit LT-1 from Mirus. It is GREAT! Works much better than Fugene6, at much lower price and less toxixcity to cells. I use NRK cells which are difficult to transfect . Instead of fugene6, I tried Mirus lt-1 I was amazed it worked much better than Fugene6 when I followed their recommended protocol. Mirus usually gives free sample so you cana sk for it and try on your cell line first.
Only drawback. They recommend 7.5 microlitres of the reagent per 35 mm dish per transfection. that means we use more of it per transfection so in the ned the cost mounts up to the same level as of fugene and lipofectamine.