Question about breed dogs, mutts and fertilization - (Aug/30/2006 )
I have heard a story that when a female breed dog mates with a mutt (cur) then this same female breed dog can never have breed puppies again. She will always keep having mixed puppies. How is it possible or is this story even true? Does it mean that somehow the genetic information of this mutt is saved in breed dog's egg cells? This seems such a mystery and i would like to know everything or anything about it.
I'm in the fertility game (humans not dogs) but this sounds pretty far fetched to me.
Assuming she's impregnated again by a pure bred following delivery of her pups then its a new set of DNA that's involved in the conception. I can't see any reason why the next set of pups won't be pure breed.
Having said that I must admit I know absolutely nothing about dogs and if there is something weird that happens I'd like to hear about it
I heard it from people who had pure bred dog and they again had heard it from some other people. But they also didn't know how it was possible. They even said that they had consulted with some biologists, but noone could explain it. So i was very intrigued by it and i really would love to know the answer, but i have no idea where to look or whom to ask. My logic also says that it's not possible (i am a student of genetics and really into embryology, though also human), but why these stories then...
maybe its just one of those stories that have been passed down by hoighty-toighty dog breeders who believe that once a prized pedigree'd pooch has been near a mutt, she is never of the same quality again?
I also know almost nothing about dog breeding, but I seriously doubt the validity of this hypothesis.
Well said. I'm thinking this is closer to the truth than a female retaining genetic information from any of its studs...
bees do. the queen mates once and produces offspring until she is barren.
OK, I know it doesn't rank too highly in impact factor and of course there is no specfic reference given, but this quote from Wikipedia under the heading "mixed-breed dog"
"There is no scientific justification for the belief that a purebred bitch is in any way tainted after mating with a dog of another breed. Future matings with dogs of the same breed will produce purebred puppies".
Sounds like regular mammalian reproduction to me.
hooray for wikipedia
busted that myth wide open!