How to tell different cellstypes apart - (Oct/16/2001 )
I am doing a report on how to tell the difference between hypotonic, isotonic, and hypertonic solutions. We used four different situations: Distilled water, pond water, 0.9% Saline, and 10% Saline. We used all four of these conditions to test two specimens: a Elodea plant leaf, and a few drops of rat blood. How do I tell which ones are which???? Which one is hypertonic, hypotonic, isotonic??? HELP???? Thanks
The names corresponds to which osmotic effect they excert on the cells. Maybe you can look in a microscope to see which solution makes the cells swell (hypotonic), lyse (hypertonic) or no change at all (isotonic)
Good luck
The names corresponds to which osmotic effect they excert on the cells. Maybe you can look in a microscope to see which solution makes the cells swell (hypotonic), lyse (hypertonic) or no change at all (isotonic)
Good luck