visualization of apoptosis - visualization of chromatin condensation in apoptosis (Mar/01/2002 )
Hi there, I need to visualize apoptosis in-situ - based on chromatin condensation. Does anybody know a simple, rapid and inexpensive method?
Hi there, In my case, I used BM TUNEL staining kit.
However, anti-FITC-AP or POD is not well done, because, first FITC staining is relatively low in some cases, furthermore, we also overcome the sensitivity of anti-FITC-AP or POD. Thus, FITC-TUNEL staining is better way to take a micrograph in my case. Gool luck!
I will post the TUNEL method in my homepage.( this weekend.
The cheaest and easiet way to look for chromatin condensation is by Hoescht staining of the nuclear DNA in situ. Check the molecular probes web site its full of protocols and images