Free FACS analysis software for PC - (Aug/22/2006 )
WinMDI ver2.9 has some bugs with my configuration (XP)...
Version 2.8 is OK
we are talking about a freeware... not a software at 1000$!
for basic analysis of FCS files, WinMDI is highly sufficient and fast
for saving your results, just copy windows and paste in Powerpoint; data will be ready for presentation and publications
I think that Jo Trotter will be greatful to anyone who could help him to improve the program

unfortunately, I have no enough knowledge in programming to do that
So true!

we are talking about a freeware... not a software at 1000$!
for basic analysis of FCS files, WinMDI is highly sufficient and fast
for saving your results, just copy windows and paste in Powerpoint; data will be ready for presentation and publications
I think that Jo Trotter will be greatful to anyone who could help him to improve the program

unfortunately, I have no enough knowledge in programming to do that
So true!

does this work for Beckman Coulter taken data (the analysis software would be CXP Analysis)? I asume it does, but will wait for the experts to reply

WinMDI works with files in the FCS 2.0 format
I do not know the exact system you use, but for the FC 500 system for example, data are acquired in the FCS 3.0 format:
You need to convert from the 3.0 to the 2.0 format, look in the manual of the CXP Analyisis if possible...
Can we get free version of Flowjo for window?
U can get a 30 days trial only as far as I know.
I am currently using Win MDi to make the graphs from my flow data. I want to compare results from different samples, but I don't know how to normalize the graphs so the controls from different runs fall at the same point on the graph. For instance, we'll have one run that shows 20% positively-stained cells, then we'll have another run that shows us 50% positively-stained cells. When we overlay the histograms in Win MDi, the control data points from one run aren't within the same range as the control data points from another, so when we make a graph comparing the staining of both runs, it'll appear that there is a higher percentage of positively stained cells in the first run (20%) than the second (50%), when really, it's the other way around. It's difficult to explain, but I am just looking for a way to normalize the graphs before I overlay the histograms, so I can really make a comparison. THANKS!
I don't think U can do that with WinMDI. May be that is possible with FlowJo?
these are 2 different experiments... you can only compare MFIexp/MFIcontrol
Another freeware to test: