How long for adenovirus CPE to show up after infection - (Aug/18/2006 )
Hi all a new question, after the transfection with lipofectamine 2000, I harvested my cells (supposedly with some adenovirus) and freeze and thaw for 4 times i infected my 293 cells but after 4 days waiting there is no sign of CPE how long can i wait???, is any virus there???, my transfection looks ok, i have almost 80% of my cells transfected (i know that because my construct have EYFP), so i don't know if i really have some adenovirus or not.
Any suggestion????
Did you have any CPE by day 4 on your transfected cells? Any round-uped cells?
NOP MY CELLS LOOK HEALTHY this cells are not trasnfected supposedly they are infected. but they look ok, without signs of CPE
If you mean the cells that i transfected and i used for the infection, after 5 days of transfection i could see some CPE effects.

Did you have any CPE by day 4 on your transfected cells? Any round-uped cells?
Yes, I meant the original tranfected cells in my previous post.
Did you see cells appear CPE arranged in a spot shap? Have you noticed any round-uped cells in the infection experiment in a spot shap?
yes, not so many...
Did you see cells appear CPE arranged in a spot shap? Have you noticed any round-uped cells in the infection experiment in a spot shap?