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Thrombin - pDEST20/GST-Baculovirus - Cloning and Protein expression (Aug/17/2006 )

Does anyone work with pDEST20/GST vector for expression of GST-fusion protein in Baculovirus/Insect cells.
I got this from Invitrogen and there is doubt if thrombin cleavage site is present or not?
I checked the sequence and its a yes or no type answer because the aa seq. is of the variable kind.
Any insight into this will be greatly appreciated


I don't know about the plasmid in question, but I was thinking that you could just design the forward primer with a thrombin site in it. That way, if you ever decide to move your insert to a different system, you can take you protease site with you...


you may ask invitrogen and give them the batch number of your plasmid
or design a trhmobin cleavage site as mentionned before.
or sequence the interesting part of the plasmid (which will give you the answer for now and the future).


QUOTE (swanny @ Aug 17 2006, 05:55 PM)
I don't know about the plasmid in question, but I was thinking that you could just design the forward primer with a thrombin site in it. That way, if you ever decide to move your insert to a different system, you can take you protease site with you...

The reason for asking is that I am already down the pipe line for my protein expression and the his-tag version I tried before does have a cleavage site. I thought that the GST version should too. But now, I am following the rule governing the thrombin cleavage site and am in the process of checking it out with the enzyme; (A-B-Arg//-X-Y). I was just hoping to see if anybody had specifically tried pDEST-20 before.
Designing is not a problem, just the time issue.
Many Thanks
