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Measuring hydrogen peroxide using fluorometer - (Aug/27/2001 )

Hello. I'm trying to measure ROS, esp. hydrogen peroxide using fluorometer which called TD-700. To visualize ROS, I use DCF(dichloroflurescin diacetate). However, I have some problems: which buffer should I use when I lyse the cell, how I should set the standard in order to quantify the amount of ROS, and etc. Please help me if there is anyone who had experience in measuring the ROS using this kind of equipment...


U can use 0.1M of Phosphate buff of 7.4 pH.
First off all try to std this method in ur lab
For standardization u should take different con of H2O2 along with DCFDA
U can quantify the DCF
Ext:503 Slit:5
Em:529 Slit:10

Have more doubts feel free to contact me
All the best
