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Best methods for storing RNA - (Aug/07/2006 )


What's the best way to save the RNA?
I used to precipitate my RNA in 1/10 volumes of NaAc and 2,5 volumes of EtOH. After that, I store at -80C. Is this the best way?
Thank you very much.


I guess it depends on what you're doing with it. I've just put the prep at -80 in HO for later use. Freeze thawing is the major problem.


i used to store mine in depc-water at - 80 degrees


If you want to store it for short time period you can store its in DEPC trated water upto 1 month but
you needed long time like 3 month you can store it in absolute alcholes and some othe RNA storing solution.


for long periods i store them in formamide. advantage : worse for rnases, and no need to purify for nothern blots.
If i want to do RTPCR, i work with an aliquot which i resuspend in DEPC water, and the rest in formamide.


what concenteration of formamide must be used?


i use 100%formamide.


