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Which is better! Lipofectamine or Fugene 6? - (Aug/03/2006 )


Which is better!!! Lipofectamine or Fugene 6. i am going to transfect my 293 cells for the production of Adenovirus so i would like to know your opinions about it.

Thank you so much


I tried both of them and lipofectamine 2000 was much betterin 293FT cells.


I agree. Lipofectamine2000 works quite well in 293cells (90% confluent) in my hand.


With Lipofectamine2000 we obtain 90% transfection efficiency in 293 and almost no mortality


I'll go against the grain and say that Fugene 6 also works very nicely in 293FT cells. I've routinely obtained >90% efficiency as determined by fluorescent trasfection control. Interestingly, a control transfection done carried out in a friend's lab showed increased efficiency in 293FT cells using Fugene compared to Lipo 2000 - although with such high efficiencies reported here there may not be such a great difference. Use whatever is available.


Actually I had a problem with Lipo2000 (which otherwise works great for the other cell line I work with), when trying to transfect 293 with 3 flourescent plasmids. I tried like 3 times but it was too toxic, maybe I left it on too long (typical 5 hour incubation).

Finally we found that old-fashioned HBS/CaCl2 worked well for transfection of 293.

For other cells Lipo 2000 works great.


293 is a cell line that will take any transfection protocol (almost). I think for virus production CaPO4 is milder and efficiently enough. As for viral production, toxicity will negatively impact the viral yield.

Its less toxic for cells treatetd with Lipo 2000 when you use high cell density (>90%).


QUOTE (genehunter-1 @ Aug 4 2006, 05:44 PM)
Its less toxic for cells treatetd with Lipo 2000 when you use high cell density (>90%).

Agree 100% with genehunter.


Has anyone else tried JetPei and found it working well? I tested several transfection reagents at the same time (Fugene HD, Mirus, JetPei) in 293T cells and found out that GFP expression was highest in 293T cells transfected with JetPei. It was also the easiest method to do transfection. Would like to recommend it...


I have used 3 kinds of transfection reagents (lipofectamine, Geneporter2, JetPEI) to test which one was better for A549 cell. I found lipofectamine and Geneporter2 might not only damage A549 also have worse tranfection efficiecy, so I used JetPEI to transfection.
