The shelf life of IMEM medium - (Aug/02/2006 )
Dear all,
Do anyone know the shelf life of IMEM medium at +4 oC?????
Thank you very much!
QUOTE (siuchi98 @ Aug 3 2006, 05:57 AM)
Dear all,
Do anyone know the shelf life of IMEM medium at +4 oC?????
Thank you very much!
Do anyone know the shelf life of IMEM medium at +4 oC?????
Thank you very much!
Manufacturer of the medium must have given expiry date on the medium. If you are using powder to make a liquid medium; L-Glutamine has a half life of approximately one month at 4 degree C. In that case you might want to supplement the medium with additional L-Glutamine.
What I am going to say may not sound very wise but these media work well even after expiry date.
Hope it helps.
Once the bottle is opened, we try to use up the media within a month.
If unopened, u have time till the expiry date on the bottle.
Never used an expired media so cannot say.